The Brier School

The Brier School

Preparing for life – Building on our strengths

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Consultation about whether to establish Ascent Multi Academy Trust

Consultation about whether to establish Ascent Multi Academy Trust


The Governing Bodies of The Brier School and Woodsetton School are consulting about a joint proposal to create a new multi academy trust (to be called Ascent Multi Academy Trust) and for both schools to become academy schools within Ascent.


The consultation document available on this page provides an introduction into why this is being proposed and how to respond. The Question and Answer document available on this page provides more detailed information.


To have your say please complete the questionnaire available here. Opportunities have been arranged for staff and parents to meet with leaders and governors to provide feedback or ask questions.


The consultation ends on Friday 14th February 2025. Governors will consider all responses before they make a decision about whether to proceed.


Consultation Document

Consultation Q&A
