The Brier School caters for pupils who have a significant learning difficulty. In addition, the majority of pupils have one or more additional need, which may include speech and language difficulties, autistic spectrum disorder, ADHD, a physical disability and/or medical needs.
We have the same pupil designation as Woodsetton School, Halesbury School, and The Sutton School. Pens Meadow and Old Park School are designated and have vast expertise, in meeting the needs of the most complex pupils with severe and profound learning difficulties.
The Brier School does not choose the pupils who attend the school, but are part of the process, working closely with the Dudley SEN team to identify the number of places available within school and the pupils whose needs we can meet. The Local Authority send reports and a consultation form for individual pupils to The Brier School's Headteacher, and if felt necessary a member of the senior leadership team may make a pre-school or school visit before returning the consultation form.
When parents of pre-school children are looking at specialist provision, the pre-school teacher may visit The Brier School with parents to support them in deciding whether they feel The Brier School is the most appropriate placement for their child.
When a place is allocated by the SEN team after consultation with the school, general forms are completed including Medical, General Consent for outdoor activities, Pupil Information and the Home School Agreement. Care plans may need to be written before entry to the school.
There is a carefully planned induction for pupils which involves a parent meeting and visits to a pupil’s new class. All pupils usually attend school on a full-time basis, although in some circumstances, phased induction may be necessary.
Parents may telephone or contact the school regularly during their child’s initial settling in period and we can also speak by telephone and contact each other in the Home/ School book.
For further information on the Local Authority admission and appeal arrangements use the following links: