Where can we get help? Parents and Students
Who can we get in touch with if we need help?
Anyone wishing to request Careers and Work-Related Learning support from the School should contact Miss R Hatton (Assistant Head Teacher) who is responsible for the career’s curriculum/pathways within the Brier School.
- Telephone: 01384 816000
- Email: rhatton@brier.dudley.sch.uk
Further Advice and Guidance – Website Links
The National Careers Service provides free impartial information, advice and guidance on education, training and work to adults and young people aged 13 years and over. Individuals can access support through a website, telephone helpline and web chat service. Advisers can support young people to make informed choices by providing insights into all the different routes including apprenticeships, traineeships, other technical qualifications and academic options. This can supplement support available to students through the school or college, particularly outside of term time. Transition support after exam results is often critical in securing a successful destination for school and college leavers.
Explore careers | National Careers Service - General Careers Information on 100’s of Careers.
Find a course | National Careers Service
Skills assessment | National Careers Service
Other Useful Website Links
Find an apprenticeship - GOV.UK
Introduction of T Levels - GOV.UK
www.careersandenterprise.co.uk - The Careers & Enterprise Company and National Careers Service are aligning their activities, including developing shared terminology, a common approach to labour market information and supporting a seamless transition for young people from school and college into further education, training or work.
All the resources, all in one place | CEC Resource Directory - The Careers & Enterprise Company has published a range of free resources for schools and colleges working with students with SEND which includes a Gatsby Benchmark toolkit for SEND, teacher guides and practical advice for schools and colleges on how their careers programme can support children and students with SEND.
New Career Development Framework - The Career Development Institute’s Career Development Framework of learning outcomes provides a useful resource that can both underpin the PSHE curriculum and support Careers Leaders to map career development outcomes across the curriculum.
Student guide: preparing for industry placements - The Student Guide, which provides students with advice and resources to help them prepare for their industry placement.
Apprenticeships - National Apprenticeship Service.
Your Future Black Country – Shape your future - Having a job is about so much more than just earning money. It’s about feeling valued, becoming independent and personally fulfilled. Use Your Future Black Country today to help support you to achieve career success in the future.
Connexions Dudley - General information on choices and options.
Connexions Sandwell - General information on choices and options.
Walsall Works - General information on choices and options.
Connexions Wolverhampton - General information on choices and options.
LMI Toolkit - Black Country local labour market information.
Careerpilot : Get information : Careerometer - A useful tool to compare different jobs – salary, hours etc. Explore videos on different jobs.
Careers | Industries & Opportunities | Learn Live - Explore a variety of careers videos.
Careers - BBC Bitesize - General careers information.
TARGETcareers Guide to your future - General careers guide.
Create new possibilities with Pearson - Resources and support.