The Brier School

The Brier School

Preparing for life – Building on our strengths

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Assessment & Performance

Pupils in The Brier School have significant difficulties in the area of cognition and learning, but this does not stop us being ambitious for each and every pupil in school.


Challenging expectations are set for all pupils and achievements celebrated however, attainment is below national expectation. 


Key pupils within Key Stage 4 achieve grades in GCSE English and/or Mathematics and there is evidence of a challenging, broad and balanced curriculum with strong outcomes.


Pupil progress is evidenced on an ongoing basis on the DAPA (Dudley Attainment and Progress Assessment), which is developed and used by special schools and increasingly for SEND pupils in mainstream schools. Working closely with other DAPA schools has been advantageous for quality assurance, moderation, challenge and support. As a school we use the ‘Evidence for Learning’ app to capture photographic and video evidence of attainment. This enables the celebration of progress, effective moderation of outcomes, and the rigorous moderation and quality assurance of assessment alongside teaching and learning.


DAPA v3 has the pre-key stage standards embedded, and pupils are assessed on these at the end of Key Stage 1 and 2. Many of our children are working within pre-key stage standards or the Engagement Model. 


EYFS pupils continue to be assessed on the statutory framework. In addition, we have a small steps assessment, to enable progress towards EYFS outcomes to be identified and celebrated. Pupils entering school have a range of complex needs and are working predominantly within the 8-20-month attainment band on entry. Challenging expectation and a close working relationship with families and multi-agency staff have high levels of impact. By the end of the reception year, evidence of attainment captured in Learning Journeys, coupled with feedback at EHCP reviews highlight excellent progress for the vast majority of pupils.


Due to the COVID19 Pandemic the Government announced that it would not publish any school or college level educational performance data based on tests, assessments or exams for 2020 or 2021.


Use the links below to view and compare The Brier School's performance data.

Government Comparison Data 2022-2023

KS4 Results Overview 2022

Key Stage 2 Performance Data

