Who's Who
Mr D Stanton - Executive Headteacher
Strategic Leadership, Admissions, Governors, External Links, Ofsted, Bids, School Improvements, Press, School Premises, Budgets, Self-Evaluation Form [SEF] / School Development Plan [SDP]
Mrs B Landon - Associate Headteacher
Teaching & Learning & Curriculum (Core), Quality Assurance, Outcomes, Data & Assessments, Continuing Professional Development [CPD], Deputy Safeguarding Lead, Timetabling, Admissions, Early Career Teachers [ECTs], Induction, SEF/SDP, Team Teach Trainer, Appraisal Lead, Quality Marks.
Mrs J Edwards - Deputy Headteacher
SENCO, Safeguarding/Pastoral Lead, Medical Care Plans, Designated Lead for looked after and previously looked after pupils, Pupil Premium, SEND-related policies, Achievements and Outcomes, Attendance and Punctuality, Educational Health Care Plans [EHCP’s], Self-Evaluation Form [SEF] / School Development Plan [SDP], Timetabling, First Aid, Risk Assessments.
Miss R Hatton - Senior Assistant Headteacher
Personal Development, Pathways, Qualifications, Exams, Transition, Not-in Education, Employment or Training [NEET], Post 16, Work Experience, Careers, Extra Curriculum, School Trips, Outdoor Education, Compass Plus, Gatsby Benchmark, Duke of Edinburgh [DofE] Lead, Relationship
Education [RSHE],Whole School Verifier, Authorised Internal Verifier [AIV] for Open Awards.
Miss K Tombs - Assistant Headteacher - Sparkle Pod leader
AHT leading on Communication and Lower Level Complex needs across the school.
Whole school Makaton lead, Music curriculum development Lead,
RE Lead.
Part of the safe guarding team
Mrs K Leach - Assistant Headteacher - Rainbow Pod Leader
Teaching, Learning and Curriculum (supporting Mrs Landon), Preschool Liaison, Transition into EYFS and Admissions, English Including phonics​, Lead Verification for examinations in English and phonics screening, MFL, Understanding of the World and Humanities (History, Geography, Science)