The Brier School

The Brier School

Preparing for life – Building on our strengths

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Ofsted Inspection Result - February 2023

Following Ofsted's visit to The Brier School on Tuesday 14th February and Wednesday 15th February 2023, we are thrilled to announce that for the fifth time in a row The Brier School has been given an 'Outstanding' inspection report. 


"A big thank you for all of our parents and carers for your support and kind words. It means a lot to have a community that is caring and understanding of all the work involved. The Brier is truly an exceptional school with dedicated wonderful students and staff. I look forward to the exciting future ahead!" Mr Stanton (Headteacher). 


Please click here, to visit our Ofsted page where you can find the official 'Ofsted Inspection Report'. 
